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Найдено печатных изданий: 3

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Manfredi V.M., The Last Legion — 2007

Manfredi V.M., The Last Legion — 2007

The story opens on the day that the Western Roman Empire collapses finally in 470AD, with the city itself over-run. In the preceeding months a small group of British Roman soldiers, led by a true hero, have journeyed to the city and have arrived just before the final climax. The task they have set themselves is to save the spirit of the empire by rescuing the young son of the last Emperor, Romulus Augustus. Having found him and taken him away they decide to journey across northern Europe as there are strong rumours that an entire Legion of the Roman Army has remained loyal to Rome and has become an independent unit. They hope by finding the Legion and establishing the boy as the legitmate Emperor a stand can be taken and the Empire revived. However, their search is fruitless and eventually the leader and the child return to the Britain of the Dark Ages, where they re-emerge in legend as Merlin and Arthur Pendragon

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Manfredi V.M., Spartan — 2002

Manfredi V.M., Spartan — 2002

Tells us not all of the three hundred Spartan warriors died at the hands of Xerxes, King of the Persians, in the battle of the Thermopylae: two were saved bringing a life-saving message back to the city. This is the saga of a Spartan family, torn apart by a cruel law that forces them to abandon one of their two sons, born lame, to the elements

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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Manfredi V.M., The Tower — 2006

Manfredi V.M., The Tower — 2006

Roman soldiers crossing the Sahara desert were destroyed by a mysterious presence hidden in a solitary tower. The sole survivor, Avile Vipinas is saved by the sound of his silver sistrum. Before his death, he had tried to describe the horrific presence in the tower of solitude and to make the first faltering steps to its destruction.

Местонахождение издания: Зал литературы на иностранных языках

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